Home Authors Posts by Chris Glynn

Chris Glynn

The infrastructure fund manager bankrolled by Julian Robertson has hired MLP specialist Cameron Addington (pictured) from Tortoise Capital, amid a shoring up of its executive management.
The infrastructure fund manager bankrolled by Julian Robertson has hired MLP specialist Cameron Addington (pictured) from Tortoise Capital, amid a shoring up of its executive management.
The infrastructure fund manager bankrolled by Julian Robertson has hired MLP specialist Cameron Addington (pictured) from Tortoise Capital, amid a shoring up of its executive management.
Macquarie Infrastructure Partners II will pay $526m for Houston-based WCA Waste Corp, which is active in the Midwest and Southwest of the US. The deal marks the second US waste management acquisition for Macquarie.
Europe is in need of private capital, while China and India, despite slowing growth, remain strong infrastructure markets, according to a report authored by AMP Capital.
The two companies reached commercial close on the $2.1bn project with the state, prompting Governor Robert McDonnell to credit Virginia as an ‘innovator’ capable of making ‘complex public transportation’ possible. Financial close is expected in early 2012.
The deal turns Mitsubishi into the first Japanese company operating an overseas offshore transmission cable. Macquarie sold its 50 percent stake in the UK’s £105m Walney 1 project.
Fresh off a high-profile acquisition, AIMCo boss Leo de Bever took time to talk to Chris Glynn about a ‘boring’ business: infrastructure investing
Beset by debt and under siege from city hall, the head of the Orlando Orange toll agency has handed in his resignation. But the project that brought him down – the Wekiva 25-mile toll road – is unlikely to be procured as a PPP.
A start-up organisation is aiming to loosen resistance to tolling on Capitol Hill. Private investment in public infrastructure would be part of the discussion.

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