Home Authors Posts by Robin Blumenthal

Robin Blumenthal

The firm’s strategy, which is focused on direct lending to senior housing and healthcare, has beaten its target.
The credit segment attracted $13bn of capital, beating all others, amid the firm’s record results.
The Golub Capital Altman Index has clocked 16% earnings growth for the market in first two months of the year, but the firm's CEO says policy creates “very substantial risks” for the economy.
Pathfinder Fund hopes to set a trend by donating at least 10% of carried interest profits to health and education charities.
The firm received $2.4bn in equity commitments and $2bn from SMAs to finance US middle-market companies across diverse industries.
The market may have balked, but the firm’s deal to buy its insurance affiliate makes plenty of sense.
The senior credit fund, which includes long-term leverage, has exceeded its target.
The strategic opportunities vehicle is targeting investments striving for consistent cash yield.
The firm’s specialty finance Asset Income Fund V exceeded its $900m target.
Combining the cool factor with the possibility of strong returns, music royalties have been generating increasing interest. But can the good times keep rolling?

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