Toby Mitchenall
A Germany- and Dubai-listed investment firm has capped off a torrid 2008 with a restructuring agreement that will ‘secure the company’s future’.
Last year saw $132bn worth of deals fall through and total volumes down 71% on 2007’s figures.
Most portfolios have at least one struggling business. It’s up to GPs to instigate a restructuring process before the banks have to step in, writes Toby Mitchenall.
Björk has lent her name to a fund which will try to stimulate her nation’s stricken economy by investing in local businesses. The fund will be managed by female-centric financial services firm Audur.
The listed Permira investor has taken a number of measures to boost liquidity, including reducing by £796m its original commitment to Permira’s fourth buyout fund.
Despite a number of stellar performances from the likes of Altor and HitecVision, Nordic fundraising for the first half of 2008 was down more than 50% year-on-year, while investments dropped by around a third.
As unfunded commitments are looking harder to meet, the Euronext-listed fund of funds is receiving increased calls from its managers of distressed funds.
The auction process for the Irish power group attracted acceptable bids, but concerns over their ‘deliverabiliy’ have led Arcapita to put the sale on ice.
The auction process for the Irish power group attracted acceptable bids, but concerns over their ‘deliverabiliy’ have led Arcapita to put the sale on ice.
The auction process for the Irish power group attracted acceptable bids, but concerns over their ‘deliverability’ have led Arcapita to put the sale on ice.