After months of defying expectations of widespread slowdown in buyout activity, the UK's mid-market firms have seen dealflow drop to a trickle in the first half of the year, according to the latest numbers.
Property services firm DTZ says transactions for the first quarter have already halved compared to the corresponding period of 2007.
The mega-buyout firm has revealed its private equity real estate business returned $1.3 billion to investors last year from 38 exits.
Two separate reports by Ernst & Young and PricewaterhouseCoopers note that while cheap leverage has vanished and deal volume dropped, private equity’s outlook remains rosy.
The Seoul High Court has reversed a lower court's decision that convicted the US private equity firm of manipulating the stock price of the credit card division of the Korea Exchange Bank; the decision brings Lone Star one step closer to a $6.3bn sale of its stake to HSBC.
The mega-buyout firm has revealed its private equity real estate business returned $1.3 billion to investors last year from 38 exits.
The Seoul High Court has reversed a lower court's decision that convicted the US private equity firm of manipulating the stock price of the credit card division of the Korea Exchange Bank; the decision brings Lone Star one step closer to a $6.3bn sale of its stake to HSBC.
Two separate reports by Ernst & Young and PricewaterhouseCoopers note that while cheap leverage has vanished and deal volume dropped, private equity’s outlook remains rosy.
Since last summer, equity sponsors and their investors have renewed their emphasis on emerging markets with vigor.
Guggenheim Capital Markets, a subsidiary of Guggenheim Partners, has expanded its fixed income offerings with the launch of a ‘whole loan’ group.