The Santa Monica-based venture group has partnered with three principals to launch its debut fund, focused on the US emerging domestic market.
By steering clear of the crowds, focusing on young portfolios and targeting fast-growth markets, Partners Group is demonstrating it has its own take on the private equity secondaries market.
There has been an explosion in both the popularity of hedge funds and the amount of capital allocated to them for investments. This means they are increasingly encroaching on private equity territory, says Simon Davies.
KPS Special Situations and Pegasus Partners have already recouped 1.5x their investment in Genesis Worldwide thanks to a unit sale to Mitsubishi-Hitachi Metals Machinery.
New York-based Solera Capital has bolstered its Homegrown Naturals organic food platform with the purchase of Annie’s Naturals, a maker of salad dressings and condiments.
The specialist European investor in the wind market has reached an interim close of its second dedicated wind energy fund after six months of fundraising.
A slump in consumer spending could test the staying power of private equity owners of retail companies in Europe. By Robert Venes.
Thomas H. Lee is reportedly leaving the Boston-based LBO firm he founded with plans to raise a rival buyout fund.
Thomas H. Lee Partners has filed a lawsuit against the former Refco management. The complaint could help shift the public’s perception of the firm from Refco insider to a victim of the futures broker’s deceit.
Listed Australian private equity firm Allco Equity Partners has announced its intention to invest more than AU$750m over the next 12 months.