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Amid concerns over pressure on existing loans and revived competition from the syndicated market, there is still an overall positive tone at the PDI Germany Forum in Munich.
It’s a topic that will be under consideration at our upcoming PDI Germany Forum: the likelihood of risk-averse investors being tempted by private debt’s ‘next big thing’.
Mid-market lending came in for scrutiny at Private Debt Investor’s Europe Summit in London, with investors raking over what defines the sector and where it needs to look next.
So much has changed in the private debt world over the last year or so, and Europe has its own particular set of challenges. Delegates at our Europe Summit this week tuned in to the key talking points.
The industry veteran doesn’t believe private credit will bring down the system, but some managers will struggle in a higher-rate environment, he told attendees at PEI Group’s NEXUS 2024 summit.
At our gathering of private debt professionals from the US and elsewhere, participants had a sense of resilience and opportunity – while also acknowledging that tough times may lie ahead.
The direct lending market was catalysed by banks’ withdrawal from mid-market corporate lending, and many are predicting that private credit firms in asset-based finance will be boosted in a similar way.
Some observations we heard from the direct lending market during PDI's New York forum in September.
There is the same kind of dislocation in the market that enabled Canada’s PSP to make high returning investments when it first launched into private debt.
Three high-profile keynote speakers revealed their concerns and expectations for private debt at the PDI New York Forum.